Luxury estate

The White House

The White House will involve residents in the planning and review of the services that are provided for them to ensure that their needs are met. This will be achieved by giving residents a real say in how services are delivered and encouraging residents to become involved in all decisions, which are likely to affect them, either now, or in the longer term.


Resident's Needs

These will be met by listening to staff, residents and others who have an interest in the home. To ensure that assessments are made which balance risk and needs. To promote a level of risk taking in daily living activity. Finally, an effective care planning system.


The White House will involve residents in the planning and review of the services that are provided for them to ensure that their needs are met. This will be achieved by giving residents a real say in how services are delivered and encouraging residents to become involved in all decisions, which are likely to affect them, either now, or in the longer term. The White House will consult people about their satisfaction with the service and suggestions for improvement. This will be achieved by residents and staff meetings and verbal feedback. The White House will provide catering services, which meet the expectations of residents. This will be done by planned structured menu’s which include residents wishes, choices and preferences; menu’s which are nutritionally balanced; menu’s which allow residents to change their food choices. The White House will ensure that residents are fully informed about all matters, which might affect their well-being. This will be achieved by residents meetings, key worker support and provision of notice boards or other displays, which inform residents.


The White House will afford all residents and staff an Equality of Opportunity I respect of living or working in the home and this will be achieved by an Equal Opportunities Policy. The White House will ensure that the home is a safe and secure place to live. This will be achieved by ensuring that the physical environment meets all health and safety standards; to provide a safe place for residents to store their valuables and to provide front door keys for their use.


The White House will offer a range of social activities, which meet the needs of the residents. This will be done by ensuring that activities are offered to each resident which are appropriate to their needs, abilities or expressed wishes; ensuring that the home can cater for the social, spiritual, cultural, emotional and physical needs in the services it offers to residents; ensuring that residents feel comfortable to decline any or all of the activities offered by the home.


Residents Rights will be observed by ensuring that all residents shall be afforded...the right to be called by the name of their choice. The right to care for themselves as far as possible. The right to take personal responsibility for their own actions.

Dining room

Specific Therapeutic Techniques

Doctors, Dentists, Chiropodists, Opticians and physiotherapist will be available when required, and residents may keep their own medical practitioner if they so wish. The White House is committed to ensuring that Residents are fully consulted about matters, which are significant in the running of the home, or about matters, which might affect their well-being or quality of life.

Summer walk

Facilities and Services:

All meals, snacks, supplements and drinks are provided within the fees for service. Special diets are catered for and advice of the dietician is sought where necessary. Limited quantities of alcohol are offered on special occasions. Any cost of extras would be met by the Service Users such as hairdressers or their other choices.

Doctors, dentists, chiropodists, physiotherapists, opticians will be available when required and residents may keep their own medical practitioner if they wish. Laundry is undertaken within the home within the normal fees for service. The home has no objections to residents having their own pets within reason

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Qualifications and Experience of Staffs:

The White House is owned and managed by Megalen and Milah Govindan and are supported by a full complement of specially chosen staff. They are professionally qualified and registered in the field of Learning Disability Nursing and have many years experience and understanding in providing for the special needs, care and welfare of the residents. The home will provide a 24 hour fully staffed and on-call service.

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Social Activities, Hobbies and Leisure Interests:

The White House is able to provide a variety of ways that residents can engage in the enjoyment of activities, hobbies and leisure interests. Residents will be consulted individually in relation to their interests and wishes regarding social activities as part of the Service User Planning Process and at regular residents meetings

These activities will include theatre outings, SCOLA, gateway clubs, library, East Surrey College for courses such as cooking and gardening, dance club, going out and about, shopping, puzzles and sewing, knitting and embroidery, keep fit, art, watching football, rugby, soaps and murder mysteries.

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Latest Events

In pose of lotus
23 01.16

Free Yoga Classes

Yoga is not a new activity. It has been in existence for many thousands of years, although in recent decades it has become ever more popular for a variety of beneficial reasons, not least as a way of dealing with our daily stress.

Backyard of a family house
01 01.16

Day Out

Keeping busy is the secret to staying independent and positive as we get older, so we support members to play an active part in their club’s daily goings-on, from helping out in the garden to planning outings, or baking sweet treats for everyone to enjoy.

Selfie of seniors
24 12.15


Gardening gives people the opportunity to use their fine motor skills which are vital for keeping their independence as fine motor skills are needed for doing up your buttons or feeding yourself.